“Bio Bulletin” (ISSN NO. (Print): 2454-7913, ISSN NO. (Online): 2454-7921) Published by Research Trend. Bio Bulletin seeks to disseminate novel scientific results in broadly related fields of biology. Bio Bulletin publishes outstanding original research with an overarching goal of explaining how organisms develop, function, and evolve in their natural environments.
To that end, the journal publishes papers in the fields of Taxonomy, Forestry, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics. Microbiology, Biochemistry, Genetics, Genomics, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Mycology, Toxicology, Ichthyology, Entomology, Limnology, Marine Science, Nematology, Ecology, Biodiversity, Environmental Science, Soil Sciences, Agriculture, Ethno botany, and Physiology, integrative biology, Veterinary Sciences, Neurobiology and Behavior, Physiology and Biomechanics, Ecology and Evolution, Development and Reproduction, Cell Biology, and Physical education, Symbiosis and Systematics. Bio Bulletin continues to emphasize basic research on all fields of biology, but welcomes submissions of an interdisciplinary nature that fit our fundamental aims. Manuscripts submitted to Bio Bulletin are subject to external review and benefit from thorough editorial support and excellent editing, timely publication (often within one months of acceptance), and wide exposure (open access after one year, free issues and articles, free archive).
Bio Bulletin has been indexed in Cite Factor, Researchbib, Scholar steer, International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR), Cosmos Foundation, Scientific Indexing Services, OAJI, ISI, Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, IIJIF, Directory of Abstract Indexing for Journals (DAIJ), JIF, General Impact Factor, Global impact factor, International Institute for-Research, iseek, Google Scholar, Slide share, Impact Factor Services for International Journals (I.F.S.I.J.), K-Hub etc.
The journal has no submission or publication charges.
The electronic version, Bio Bulletin contains the full content of each issue, including all figures and tables. PDF files of all content are also available.
Bio Bulletin