International Journal of Biomedical Research (IJBR) is an international peer reviewed monthly online Journal in English. This Journal publishes Articles exploring scientific knowledge in medicine and pharmaceutical Sciences related to Pharmaceuticals, Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.
International Journal of Biomedical Research
International Journal of Pharmacological Research
International Journal of Pharmacological Research (IJPR) is an international monthly publishing peer-reviewed online Journal in English. This Journal publishes Original Research Articles, Review, Short communications, Case reports, that contributes significantly to further the scientific knowledge predominantly devoted to reporting original contributions from all areas of the Pharmacology and toxicology.
International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research
International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research
International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research (IJASR) is monthly online peer reviewed open access multidisciplinary journal dedicated to publishes articles from the broad field of basic science and scientific research.
International Journal of Industrial Management
The International Journal of Industrial Management (IJIM) is a peer-reviewed international publication, valuable to those interested in the issues relevant to the technology and management fields. It is a multi-disciplinary effort involving professionals, practitioners and scientists. It will specifically provide a unifying basis bringing together engineers, architects, designers, project managers and construction managers, among others.
nternational Journal of Industrial Management
The International Journal of Industrial Management (IJIM) is a peer-reviewed international publication, valuable to those interested in the issues relevant to the technology and management fields. It is a multi-disciplinary effort involving professionals, practitioners and scientists. It will specifically provide a unifying basis bringing together engineers, architects, designers, project managers and construction managers, among others.
Journal of Management of Roraima
Journal of Management of Roraima is a biannualy journal in the online format of the Department of Administration of the Center for Economic and Administrative Sciences of the Federal University of Roraima Which AIMS to Contribute to the diffusion of knowledge about management and related areas. The RARR pursues the best editorial practices of scientific journals in Brazil , from the exposed Editorial Policy settings . More precise definitions of the mission , scope and structure of the magazine can be found in the text of Editorial Policy , in this site . The RARR operates on the Open Journal System ( OJS ) platform , better known in the Brazilian scientific community as Electronic System for Journal Publishing – SEER. Its mission is to disclose unpublished and original scientific articles, essays, reviews, research communications, management studies and experiments that address relevant topics in the areas of management, involving studies in the areas of Administration, Accounting, Economics, Executive Secretary, Public Management, among other of Applied Social Sciences.
Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management
Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management” (GJESM) is a fully open access, double blind, peer reviewed, electronic and print, quarterly publication concerned with appropriate aspects of environmental science and management. GJESM publishes original research papers, review papers, case reports, short communications and letters to the editor as well as the editor’s response to letters. GJESM covers topics across the broad field of environmental science and management Environmental scientists and academic are invited to contribute their knowledge and experience. The publication appears at regular time intervals four times a year. GJESM is fully open access and full texts of published articles are available to the public through the journal’s website for free. GJESM practices peer-review process to control the scholarly content of submitted manuscripts by international experts. GJESM’s Editorial Board selects manuscripts with excellence in content, preferably without commercial targets. It should be noted that GJESM is published in association with Iran Solid Waste Association (ISWA).
International Journal of Business Quantitative Economics and Applied Management Research
The International Journal of Business Quantitative Economics and Applied Management Research publishes original and high quality contributions that will have a significant impact on the theory and practice of economics, business, management and organizational research.
International Journal of Core Engineering and Management (iJCEM)
International Journal of Core Engineering and Management (iJCEM), aims at bringing together the researchers, scientists, engineers, and scholar students in all areas of Engineering,Technology and Management and provides an international forum for the dissemination of original research results, new ideas and practical development experiences which concentrate on both theory and practices. iJCEM bring together Scientists, Academician, Field Engineers, Scholars and Students of related fields of Engineering, Technology and Management.
We publish original and high quality papers. We aim to cover the latest outstanding development in the fields of Engineering and Management.
iJCEM is an open access journal which will provide easy accessible to all the researchers to get update with their respective area of research.
Journal of Life Economics
journal of Life Economics is an international refereed journal. It aims to create a forum on economic rationale of life. In this perspective, high quality articles are going to be published. Opinions and studies of the academicians and researchers, especially about economics will be published.
Civil Engineering Infrastructures Journal
“Civil Engineering Infrastructures Journal” (CEIJ) is a fully open access, double blind, peer reviewed, electronic and print, semiannual publication concerned with appropriate aspects of Civil Engineering Infrastructures. CEIJ publishes original research papers, review papers, case reports, technical notes and short communications. This journal is indexed in Web of Science (ESCI) since March 2016.
International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Sciences
“International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Sciences” (ISSN NO. Print : 0975-1718, Online: 2249-3247) was started in 2009 with the aim to create an environment of all Applied Sciences research as well as to encourage the budding scientists of World. It is an international, peer reviewed, Free open access journal, published both online as well as in print version. The journal invites full and mini-review research articles, full length research articles and brief communication giving exciting current information of all Applied Sciences.
-“International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Sciences” (ISSN NO. Print : 0975-1718, Online: 2249-3247) is abstracted and indexed in almost all reputed agencies of the world viz; Journal Impact Factor, International Institute for Research Impact Factor Journals(IFJ), Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI), International Impact Factor Services, LinkedIn, Scholarsteer, WbSrch Web Search, International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR) , Genamics JournalSeek, Directory of Abstract Indexing for Journals (DAIJ), ISI, International Institute for-Research, Universal Impact Factor, Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, World cat, Scientific journal impact factor, Page glimpse, Researchbib, Slide share, Cite factor, International Innovative Journal Impact Factor (IIJIF), ProQuest Database, Cosmos impact factor, K Hub, Google Scholar, Scribd and many more.
-“International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Sciences” having a very broad International Editorial and Advisory Board which is equipped with a number of internationally reputed scientists who actively review the articles as well as give their valuable comments and directions for the improvement of the quality of the Journal.
-We have a fast online article submission and review system to publish the valuable research articles of the authors as early as possible, otherwise, intimated within one week.
– Authors submitting their research articles for publication are fully responsible for their research matter and the text, figures and views etc., the Research Trend and Editorial Board members are not responsible for any type of plagiarism or conflict which is severely condemn by the publisher.
-We are happy to announce that the articles published in “International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Sciences” the copyright of the published article will be equally shared by the publisher as well as the author and both will have independent rights of using and getting the benefits of the article. The main author of the paper must be clearly mentioned in the article because the copyright benefits as well as the adverse responsibility also lie on the main author.
Biological Forum – An International Journal
1. “Biological Forum – An International Journal” (ISSN NO. Print : 0975-1130, (Online): 2249-3239), Publishes by Research Trend.
2. Biological Forum – An International Journal was started in 2009 with the aim to create an environment of Biological research as well as to encourage the budding scientists of World.
3. The Journal is running uninterrupted publication, covering almost all thrust areas of biology with special emphasis to emerging fields of current Taxonomy, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Genetics, Genomics, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Mycology, Toxicology, Ichthyology, Entomology, Limnology, Marine Science, Nematology, Ecology, Biodiversity, Environmental Science, Forestry, Soil Sciences, Agriculture, Psychology, Physical education, Ethnobotany and Bioinformatics.
4. It is an international, peer reviewed, Referred, Free open access journal, published both online as well as in print version. The journal invites full and mini-review research articles, full length research articles and brief communication giving exciting current information of Biological research.
5. Biological Forum – An International Journal is abstracted and indexed in almost all reputed agencies of the world viz; ISI Thomson Reuters, CABI, Index Copernicus, GENAMICS, JOURNALSEEK, ISI, SIS, Global impact factor, SlideShare, Solidinfo, Scribd, docstoc, Proquest, findeen, Google Scholar, All Library Books, journals and Electronic Records Telegrafenberg (ALBERT), WILBERT, IIFS, Einstein Institute for Scientific Information,, YAMPU, Lexogen QuantSeq library, Digital expression profiling using NGS technology, Researchbib, Electronic Journals Library, German Institute of Global and Area Studies – Information Centre, Hamburg (GIGA), Scholar steer, CITE FACTOR, Journalguide, Journal rate, Research gate, Pubdb,, scholarshipdatabase, Newjour, DRJI, DESY PUBLICATION DATABASE, JuSER, Electronic Journals WZB, Impulse, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Fachbibliotheken, Bibliothekssystem Universität Hamburg, ZB MED ist Mitglied der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft, JOUR INFORMATICS, DOAJ – Directory of Open Access Journals, OAJ, Advanced Sciences Index (ASI), COSMOS and many more.
6. Biological Forum – An International Journal having a very broad International Editorial and Advisory Board which is equipped with a number of internationally reputed scientists who actively review the articles as well as give their valuable comments and directions for the improvement of the quality of the Journal.
7. Biological Forum – An International Journal is improved to Open Access facilty for free approach of the online full article to the researchers of the developing and third world countries.
8. We have a fast online article submission and review system to publish the valuable research articles of the authors as early as possible, otherwise, intimated within one week.
9. Authors submitting their research articles for publication are fully responsible for their research matter and the text, figures and views etc. , the Research Trend and Editorial Board members are not responsible for any type of plagiarism or conflict which is severely condemn by the publisher.
10. We are happy to announce that the articles published in Biological Forum – An International Journal, the copyright of the published article will be equally shared by the publisher as well as the author and both will have independent rights of using and getting the benefits of the article. The main author of the paper must be clearly mentioned in the article because the copyright benefits as well as the adverse responsibility also lie on the main author.
Bio Bulletin
“Bio Bulletin” (ISSN NO. (Print): 2454-7913, ISSN NO. (Online): 2454-7921) Published by Research Trend. Bio Bulletin seeks to disseminate novel scientific results in broadly related fields of biology. Bio Bulletin publishes outstanding original research with an overarching goal of explaining how organisms develop, function, and evolve in their natural environments.
To that end, the journal publishes papers in the fields of Taxonomy, Forestry, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics. Microbiology, Biochemistry, Genetics, Genomics, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Mycology, Toxicology, Ichthyology, Entomology, Limnology, Marine Science, Nematology, Ecology, Biodiversity, Environmental Science, Soil Sciences, Agriculture, Ethno botany, and Physiology, integrative biology, Veterinary Sciences, Neurobiology and Behavior, Physiology and Biomechanics, Ecology and Evolution, Development and Reproduction, Cell Biology, and Physical education, Symbiosis and Systematics. Bio Bulletin continues to emphasize basic research on all fields of biology, but welcomes submissions of an interdisciplinary nature that fit our fundamental aims. Manuscripts submitted to Bio Bulletin are subject to external review and benefit from thorough editorial support and excellent editing, timely publication (often within one months of acceptance), and wide exposure (open access after one year, free issues and articles, free archive).
Bio Bulletin has been indexed in Cite Factor, Researchbib, Scholar steer, International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR), Cosmos Foundation, Scientific Indexing Services, OAJI, ISI, Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, IIJIF, Directory of Abstract Indexing for Journals (DAIJ), JIF, General Impact Factor, Global impact factor, International Institute for-Research, iseek, Google Scholar, Slide share, Impact Factor Services for International Journals (I.F.S.I.J.), K-Hub etc.
The journal has no submission or publication charges.
The electronic version, Bio Bulletin contains the full content of each issue, including all figures and tables. PDF files of all content are also available.
International Journal of Engineering Works
The Greek e-journal of Perioperative Medicine
Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities
International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR)
International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) is an open access, peer-reviewed, International Journal, that provides rapid publication (monthly) of research articles, review articles and short communications in all subjects.
Indian Journal of Society and Politics
Indian Journal of Society and Politics is an international, peer reviewed, bi annual, bilingual, multidisciplinary research journal covering all areas of Social Science and Humanities. This journal aims to promote all areas of the Social Science and Humanities particularly in developing countries. The scope of this journal is therefore necessarily broad to cover the recent innovations in Social Science and Humanistic field. It offers valuable opportunity of rapid publication of research papers, and article related to any aspect of Hindi, English, Sanskrit, History, Sociology, Psychology, Criminology, Geography, Political Science, Military Science, Commerce and Management etc, Original Research Papers, Short Communications, Review Articles, Articles of current issues, and book reviews are invited for publication. The Journal will be regularly published and issued biannually.